When large amounts of minerals in the urine get stored, they form a hard mass known as bladder stones . These stones form when the bladder does not get emptied properly and some amount of urine gets left behind after peeing. At times, bladder stones do not require treatment as they pass out on their own. However, some bladder stones can be treated with either medicines or minimally invasive procedures. However, if the bladder stones are not treated immediately, they might cause urinary tract infections and other health risks. But how can bladder stones be treated? To provide readers with a better understanding of bladder stones and effective ways of treating them, we have gathered references from a renowned bladder stone specialist in Delhi , Dr. Niren Rao . The expert urologist is the founder of Delhi Urology Hospital and has experience spanning over 19 years. Continue reading the blog post for further details. But before we head towards the treatments, let’s delve into the s...
Contact Dr. Niren Rao - A Urology Doctor in Delhi for any kind of concern related to kidney, bladder, prostate, erectile dysfunction, infertility, Stricture Urethera.