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What is the Link Between Alcohol And Infertility in Males

 Alcohol is an unavoidable beverage of urban parties. Apart from that, many people start taking it on a regular basis. Drinking alcohol is harmful. It impacts upon the functioning of the liver and kidney. In addition to these body organs, liquor affects the fertility of males, but how will best be discussed in this blog.

Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi, Male Infertility Doctor in Delhi

To know about the link between alcohol and male infertility, insights have been collected from various medical experts. Dr. Niren Rao is one of the leading urologists renowned for providing effective Male infertility treatment in Delhi at Delhi Urology Hospital

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is referred to certain medical conditions due to which a male partner becomes unable to fertilise the ruptured ovum. This medical conditions includes:

  • Low sperm count
  • Poor mobility and morphology of the sperm
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Low sex-drive

These medication conditions are caused by various factors. Some of them are as follows:

  • Injury to testicals
  • Poor diet
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • Chemotherapy
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol

Alcohol and Male Infertility - What is the link?

While talking about factors leading to the male infertility, alcohol plays a major role in it. In a male body, testosterone and oestrogen are the two hormones responsible for sperm production and sex-drive. Alcohol consumption damages the release of these hormones.  As a result the infertility issues of low count of quality sperm, low sex-drive and erectile dysfunction appear.

Additionally, excessive consumption of alcohol may make the body sensitive towards insulin release.  As a result, diabetes occurs, which is another cause of poor sperm quality. Here, it is to note that diabetes is not directly connected with infertility. A couple with diabetes may become parents but there are chances that the newborn comes out with some physical or mental deformities. 

Treatment for Male Infertility Caused by Alcohol

Male infertility caused by any reason is reversible. To do so, a candidate's self dedication towards a healthy lifestyle is foremost. Home remedies to improve male fertility is as follows:

  • Stop taking alcohol, smoke and other addictive products
  • Keep the body hydrated
  • Avoid unhealthy fast, spicy and oily foods
  • Take food rich in Omega3, multivitamins, and mineral
  • Increase green vegetables, magnesium based food in diet
  • Replace gluten-based food with mixed millet-based food.

There is a possibility that a couple after following above mentioned diets are unable to conceive.  In such circumstances infertility specialists come into the frame and infertility treatment starts with diagnosis of the root causes.

Test to Diagnosis the Cause of Male Infertility

Diagnosis of male infertility includes following test:

  • Medical History examination
  • Blood Test
  • Semen Analysis
  • Hormone Test
  • Genetic Testing
  • Scrotal Ultrasound
  • Post Ejaculatory Urinalysis.

Based upon the results of above mentioned tests, male infertility treatment starts which include:

  1. Oral Medication

Intailly, doctors prescribed oral medication to correct the hormonal imbalance and improve the quality and volume of sperm count. 

  1. Obstructive Azoospermia

Obstructive Azoospermia is a condition of nil sperm count in semen analysis reports. This is possible that testicals are unable to release the sperm with ejaculate.  This may be caused by obstruction at the level of the vas deferens.  To treat this situation, a skilled male infertility doctor in Delhi provides  VEA (VASO-EPIDIDYMAL ANASTOMOSIS). It is a surgical procedure to remove the blockage from the pathway to conceive naturally.

  1. Non-Azoospermia

It is a condition when semen analysis reports no sperm in the ejaculate and this is caused by less production of semen in testis. In such circumstances below mentioned procedures are used to extract sperm directly from the testis.

  1. PESA- It is an invasive sperm extraction procedure. 
  2. TESA- It is a non-surgical procedure of sperm extraction. In this procedure a thin needle is used insert in the testis and extract sperm  
  3. Micro-TESE- It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a small cut followed by anaesthesia to the scrotum is placed. Thereafter a thin needle is used to extract the sperm.  

Once the rich quality sperms get extracted the procedure of IUI or IVF starts. During IUI extracted, sperms are directly injected into the female partner’s uterus. And when it is In-Vitro Fertilisation, the process of fertilisation is performed in the lab. After that fertilised egg is used to implant in the female’s reproductive system.


Becoming a parent is one of the most precious experiences. But many people are unable to achieve it. And sometimes their own lifestyle becomes a hurdle in becoming parents. An unhealthy lifestyle includes stress, poor diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine and drugs.  These factors impact on fertility of both male and female partners. Therefore, it is advised for couples willing to become parents, to live healthy and avoid alcohol. It will help to maintain the hormonal balance and quality of egg and sperm. One with poor sperm count, testical injury or erectile dysfunction can take consultation with a male infertility expertDr. Niren Rao is the best  urologist doctor in Delhi. He has extensive years experience in correcting a wide range of urological disorders including erectile dysfunction, male infertility, prostate surgery and prostate cancer

One can meet him at Delhi Urology Hospital and get the treatment for male infertility concerns like obstructive and non-azoospermia.

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