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Signs & Treatments of Male Infertility

 The primary objective of a marriage is to extend the family. But many couples are unable to do so. However, the female partner is usually considered infertile, but in reality, in approximately 15 to 20% of subfertile couples, male partners are responsible for the situation. Surprisingly, many of those males have no idea of it. If you are one of those couples who are unable to conceive, then go through this article.

Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi

This article will detail the signs of male infertility. In addition, it will describe the causes and effective treatments for this condition. Regarding making the post trustworthy and a guide for the readers, insights have been taken from the experts in male infertility treatment in Delhi. So, go through this article to learn about your fertility issues.

An Overview of Male Infertility

Male infertility is the inability of an eligible man to become sexually active or get successfully conceived with his female partner. A male can be subfertile, and there are many indications of it. Some of the signs of male infertility are as follows-

  • Low Sex Drive

The couple can become infertile if the male partner has low-sex desire. The male sex hormone- testosterone manages this desire. A lower sexual desire can lead to various other issues like erectile dysfunction and poor sperm quality.

  • Male Boobs  

Many males have abnormal breast growth. Their chest becomes sagging and starts to look like female breasts. The excessive release of the female sex hormone androgen in the body causes such changes in chest size and shape. The excessive release of female sex hormones in the male body forms male boobs and low sperm count. 

  • Less Growth of Body Hair

Testosterone dominates the male body. As a result, a healthy male has a heavier voice, beard, and hair on the body. Without adequate testosterone, one starts experiencing issues related to less body hair. Less growth of body hair may indicate infertility in male partners.

  • Pain in Testis

Many males have the issue of pain in their testicles. It can also be a sign of male infertility. In some cases, testicle pain is caused by prostate enlargement or prostate cancer. Testicular pain is unavoidable; hence, candidates should discuss the condition with a urologist and get it treated. 

  • The Small Size of the Testis

The small size of the testis also leads to male infertility. Undeveloped testicles lead to poor sperm growth, which creates infertility in couples caused by poor development of male genitalia

Causes of Male Infertility 

The hormonal imbalance of male and female sex hormones primarily causes infertility in males. Factors having the crucial role to disturb that balance are as follows-

  • Stress, Anxiety, and Obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Poor lifestyle
  • Living in an excessively heated environment
  • Alcohol, smoke, drugs and caffeine
  • Side effects of medication
  • Injury of Male Genital

Diagnosis of Male Infertility 

The confirmation of male infertility includes some medical tests. These are as follows-

  1. Blood Test determines the hemoglobine, RBC, and WBC in the male partner's blood sample. It will detail one's overall health and any deficiency of minerals or infection in the blood.
  2. Hormonal Test- This test is also performed through blood samples. During this test, the pathologist examines the level of testosterone hormone and other female hormones in the male body.
  3. Semen Analysis- It is one of the most essential tests for male infertility—the test details the quality, quantity, and liquefaction of the sperm. A healthy sperm can only fertilize an egg. Therefore, the male partner must have good-quality sperm and their mortality.
  4. Physical Examination of the Testis- The doctor can physically examine the male's testicles. This test will tell about pain, swelling, or change in the size of the testis. 
  • Ultrasound of Testis- If the testis are different in size or have pain, the urologist can advise ultrasound. This test will give a scan report of what is inside the testis. Varicocele, prostate issues like enlargement, or any other injury can be easily diagnosed through this test. 
  • Urine Test- This test examines the amount of sperm in the urine sample. If the urine sample has an amount of sperm, then it can be a sign of retrograde ejaculation. It leads to infertility in males.

Treatments for Male Infertility 

Male infertility is treatable. For this, some of the home treatments home remedies are as follows-

  • Stop taking stress.
  • Do exercise and participate in sport.
  • Keep the weight under control
  • Take healthy food 
  • Avoid smoke, alcohol, and drugs.  
  • Stop living in an excessively heated environment for a long time.
  • Keep the genitals clean and heat-free.

If one is unable to achieve positive test reports even after following the above-mentioned home remedies for male infertility, then consultation with a male infertility doctor is advised. The medical professional examines the candidate's health through test reports and provides clinically approved treatments. These treatments, mainly provided by a male infertility doctor in Delhi, are as follows-

  • Oral Medications

It is a primary male infertility treatment, which includes tablets and antibiotics. These medications are usually prescribed to improve the testosterone level and quality of sperm by reducing the infections and pus cells, if any. 


It is an Obstructive Azoospermia treatment. In this method, the doctor offers a microsurgery of the epididymis. This treatment is usually prescribed when the blockage causes infertility.

  •  PESA

It is an outpatient-based effective technique to extract the sperms directly from their storage in the testis. This method is usually clubbed with IVF.

  • TESA

It is a minimally invasive sperm extraction treatment. In this method, the doctor removes the tiny layer of the epididymis and takes the sperm to use in an IUI or IVF procedure.  

  • Micro-TESSE

It is also an advanced minimally invasive male infertility treatment for males unable to release quality sperm. The doctor makes a tiny incision and extracts the sperm

Consultation with a male infertility specialist is advised to get more details about these treatments. 

Find the Best Male Infertility Doctor

Male infertility caused by a fast-paced life, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle is normal. Fortunately, this condition is treatable. For this, you can find various infertility specialists. To choose the best one for your specific concern can be daunting. In such circumstances, you can visit Delhi Urology Hospital and schedule an appointment with Dr. Niren Rao. The doctor is a renowned urologist in Delhi. He has over 20 years of experience in addressing urological disorders and male infertility treatments

These treatments include cancer and stone removal from the kidney and bladder, prostate enlargement treatment, and quality sperm extraction through VEA, TESA, PESA, and various other methods. You may book an appointment with the doctor to get details or treatment for male infertility.

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