A kidney infection, also called pyelonephritis, is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI). Kidney infections occur in a minority of individuals who first experience lower UTIs that affect the bladder and urethra. Those who experience kidney infections will suffer from symptoms such as changes in urination, cloudy urine, vomiting, etc. However, if one experiences symptoms such as fever or if the pain increases, there is a possibility that the infection might spread to the kidneys. Since kidney infections cause a lot of pain and discomfort, without any treatment, complications might occur.
In this comprehensive guide, we will be discussing what kidney infections are, their symptoms, causes, effective treatment options, and many more. The goal is to educate readers and provide them with all the essential information they need to make informed decisions. To make this post enriching and factful we have taken insights from an expert kidney doctor in Delhi i.e. Dr. Niren Rao.
Read on for more insights.
What is a Kidney Infection?
A kidney infection results when the bacteria gets into either one or both kidneys. The kidneys are shaped like beans, which are located on either side of the spine and are protected by the lower rib cage. They are responsible for filtering blood, removing waste, and producing urine.
What are the Symptoms of Kidney Infection?
Let’s explore what a kidney infection feels like in terms of symptoms:
Pain in the lower back or both sides of the groin
Urinating more than usual
Pain while urinating
Cloudy urine
Loss of appetite
What Causes a Kidney Infection?
The bacteria or virus that causes infections in the kidney usually come from the urinary tract, such as the bladder, ureters, and urethra, and spread to the kidneys. Sometimes, the bacteria or viruses come from an infection elsewhere in the body. Kidney infections can also happen if the flow of urine through the urinary tract gets blocked. This can happen due to kidney stones or an enlarged prostate. However, one must understand that a kidney infection is not contagious and does not spread from one person to another.
Who is More Likely to Experience a Kidney Infection?
Anyone can get a kidney infection, but it is more likely in individuals such as:
A woman is more likely to experience a kidney infection. The urethra of a woman is smaller than that of a man. That is why it is easier for the bacteria to enter the urinary tract. In women, the urethra is near the anus (from where the stool passes). Bacteria can move up the urinary tract by entering the urethra from the anus or vagina. Pregnant women are also likely to experience a kidney infection.
Individuals with diabetes
Individuals with a weakened immune system
Individuals who have nerve or spinal damage, which keeps them from feeling pain in and around the urinary tract. This can make them unaware of the signs of a bladder infection, which can result in a kidney infection.
Individuals who utilize a catheter to remove urine from their bladders (a small, flexible tube).
How are Kidney Infections Treated?
The treatment for a kidney infection involves antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria that cause the infection. Besides antibiotics, the healthcare provider may recommend the following treatments:
Medications: Over-the-counter pain medications can help manage the pain and discomfort associated with kidney infections.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential to preventing a kidney infection, as it effectively flushes out the bacteria and promotes healing.
Hospitalization: In severe cases or if complications arise, the kidney specialist may recommend hospitalization for intravenous (IV) antibiotics and close monitoring.
Treating Underlying Conditions: The treatment must address any underlying conditions that may be causing the infection, such as kidney stones.
Can Kidney Infection Be Prevented?
While kidney infections can be serious, there are steps one can take to reduce their risk of developing them:
Keep a check on blood sugar levels
Reduce the intake of salt, limit processed food, and eat home-cooked food and more fruits and vegetables
Don't hold in urine for extended periods; empty the bladder regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Avoid smoking
Practice good hygiene, especially when it comes to personal hygiene in the genital and anal areas.
Limit alcohol intake, as drinking excessively can cause weight gain, which further leads to an increase in blood pressure.
Urinating after sexual activity can help clear any bacteria that may have entered the urethra during intercourse.
Improve your emotional and physical well-being by managing stress and relaxing. Engage in physical activities such as yoga, meditation, and games to relieve stress.
When Should One Consult a Doctor?
Kidney infections lead to long-term damage to the kidneys if left untreated. It can also cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including fever, flank pain, and urinary changes. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent complications and promote a full recovery. To get an effective treatment for kidney infections, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Niren Rao, a prominent urology doctor in Delhi, at Delhi Urology Hospital.
The expert urologist has more than 19 years of experience and can provide effective treatments to improve the health of the kidneys and prevent kidney infections. He also provides an effective treatment for kidney stones, kidney transplants, and kidney cancer.
To achieve a safe and effective treatment for kidney infections, visit Delhi Urology Hospital.
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