If you are a man over the age of 55 and are experiencing symptoms such as difficulty urinating or lower back pain, it might be easy to ignore these symptoms as "old age" sets in. However, these symptoms might be red flags of something more serious, such as bladder cancer. A survey estimates that in 2022, more than 83,000 people in the United States were diagnosed with bladder cancer, the majority of whom are men. Males are three to four times more likely than females to acquire bladder cancer. However, the good news is that bladder cancer has a survival rate of 77%, and diagnosing it early provides the best opportunity for treatment.
This article by Dr. Niren Rao, a urology doctor, will take a closer look at why men are more susceptible than women to bladder cancer. The expert urologist practices at Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice and is known for performing the best bladder cancer treatment in Delhi. Read on for more insights.
What is Bladder Cancer?
Bladder cancer refers to the growth of a tumor within the lining of the bladder. At times, it can invade surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body. The most frequent indication of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. If one experiences such a symptom, it needs to be investigated by the doctor immediately.
What are the Symptoms of Bladder Cancer?
About half of all bladder cancers are caught in the early stages, when the cancer is located in the bladder wall’s inner layer. The symptoms of early cancer include:
Blood in the Urine: Blood in the urine, or hematuria, is the first sign of bladder cancer. Sometimes the amount of blood in the urine is so small that it has no effect on the colour, but a urine test performed for a different reason will identify it. Hematuria does not usually indicate bladder cancer. Blood in the urine, as well as the frequency with which it appears, may indicate the presence of another problem, such as an infection, kidney or bladder stones, or non-cancerous tumors.
Changes in Urination: Bladder cancer can cause changes in bladder cancer, i.e., an urge to urinate more than normal, trouble urinating, a burning sensation while urinating, and a weak urine stream. These bladder problems in men could indicate bladder cancer but are mostly caused by other issues such as an enlarged prostate, bladder stones, urinary tract infections, or an overactive bladder.
Advanced-stage Bladder Cancer Symptoms Include:
The cancer can also spread to other parts of the body before it is detected. The following are symptoms of advanced bladder cancer:
Not being able to urinate
Loss of weight
Back pain
Bone pain
If one is experiencing the above symptoms, it is best to schedule a consultation with a urologist. Dr. Niren Rao is the best urology doctor in Delhi and performs safe and effective bladder cancer treatments at his clinic, Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice.
Why Are Men More Likely To Develop Bladder Cancer?
Men are more likely than women to have bladder cancer. Here are the reasons why:
Biological Differences: One of the main reasons why bladder cancer is more common among men is the differences between male and female urinary systems. Men have a long urethra, which tends to increase the exposure of bladder lining cells to harmful substances in urine for a longer time. This prolonged exposure increases the risk of bladder cancer in men.
Lifestyle Factors: Some lifestyle choices can also contribute to the high occurrence of bladder cancer in men. One of the leading risk factors for bladder cancer is smoking, and according to a survey, smoking rates have been higher in men than in women.
Occupational Exposure: Certain occupational hazards increase the risk of developing bladder cancer and are more likely to be experienced by men than women. For instance, occupations that involve exposure to certain chemicals and substances, such as aromatic amines, aniline dyes, and industrial solvents, have been associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer.
Hormonal Differences: Hormonal differences between men and women also play a major role in the development of bladder cancer. According to a study, estrogen, which is more common in women, has a protective effect against bladder cancer.
Note: It’s important to understand that while bladder cancer is more common among men, it can still occur in women. Therefore, both genders should be aware of the risk factors, symptoms, and importance of early detection and timely medical intervention.
How is Bladder Cancer Treated?
At Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice, Dr. Niren Rao, the expert urologist, will confirm the presence of cancer by analyzing the ultrasound or CT scan. Usually, small cancers are diagnosed by doing a cystoscope evaluation of the bladder. The following are the treatments offered at the clinic to treat bladder cancer:
Trans-urethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT): This is considered to be the most effective treatment for bladder cancer. The procedure is performed under general or spinal anesthesia, and a thin tube called a cystoscope is passed through the urine passage and then directly into the bladder. The tumor is then visualized, cut, and later sent for biopsy. The urologist advises the patient to remain on strict follow-up, which involves an ultrasound, urine cytology, and cystoscopy every three months.
Radical Cystectomy: For muscle-invasive bladder tumors or extensive ones, the whole bladder gets removed, and a urinary diversion is created in the form of an ileal conduit or a neobladder with the patient’s own intestine. This surgery requires 7–10 days of hospitalization.
Radiation and Chemotherapy: In advanced cases, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are advised along with surgery to achieve the best results and maximum control of the disease.
How Can One Prevent Bladder Cancer?
There is no defined way to prevent bladder cancer. However, there are some factors that need to be controlled to lower the risk of developing the condition. These include:
Avoid smoking, as it is believed to cause half of all bladder cancers.
Limit exposure to chemicals in the workplace.
Drink plenty of liquids.
Take good amounts of green vegetables and fruits.
If one experiences any symptoms of bladder cancer, one should immediately consult Dr. Niren Rao, a leading urology doctor in Delhi, to get effective bladder cancer treatment. For more details about the treatment options, visit Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice today!
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