Stone itself is a painful experience for the one diagnosed with it and the sufferer’s relatives and listeners. In such circumstances, the removal of bladder stones using surgery is one more threatening experience, because every invasive procedure has unbearable pain rooted in it.
Concerning bladder stone removal, this blog is going to provide some useful information on painless bladder stone surgery. So consider this brief guide before replacing the bladder stone surgery with DIYs. Reference to create this post has been taken from Dr. Niren Rao, a bladder stone specialist in Delhi.
Effective Procedures for Bladder Stone Removal
Cystolitholapaxy is the most effective bladder stone removal technique. Based on the size of the bladder stone this procedure is further classified into the below-mentioned sub-categories:
Transurethral Cystolitholapaxy
It is a telescopy-based minimally invasive bladder stone removal procedure. In this procedure, a cystoscope is used to insert into the bladder through the urethra. Thereafter, the stone is addressed and broken into small pieces of chunks to take them out easily. In order to make the procedure painless, general or local anesthesia is administered by the urologist.
Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystolitholapxy
In certain conditions like the size of the stone or the age factor of the patient, Transurethral Cystolitholapaxy may not be able to give the desired outcome. In such circumstances, Percutaneous Superpubic Cystolitholapxy treatment is recommended. It is also a minimally invasive bladder stone removal technique. The best bladder stone specialist performs this procedure through one incision. This size of incision might be 1 cm longer near the lower abdomen. After that, a cystoscope is inserted into the bladder to remove the stone. Since incision takes place in this method too the urologist combines the Percutaneous Superapubic Cystolitholapxy with general or local anaesthesia.
Administration of anesthesia eliminates the fear of pain during the procedure and after that pain relieving medication makes the recovery period easy-going.
Benefits of Cystolitholapaxy
In general, consideration of Cystolitholapaxy provides below mentioned benefits:
Minimally Invasive.
No risk of excessive blood loss.
Painless procedure under the administration of local or general anesthesia.
Speedy and more comfortable than traditional bladder stone removal procedure.
Short time is required to stay at the hospital.
Sometimes it can be performed on an outpatient basis.
Risk of Cystolitholapaxy
Cystolitholapaxy is an advanced minimally invasive bladder stone removal procedure. But having a surgical nature it also carries some counter-effects like others. Some of them are as follows:
Infection of Urinary Tract
Perforation of the bowel
Scar Formation
Blood Clotting
However, there are very few opportunities for the occurrence of these counter-effects. If these side effects appear, immediate consultation with the concerned urologist is advisable.
Recovery Phase after Cystolitholapaxy
Cystolitholapaxy requires comparatively less time to stay under the supervision of a medical professional. And ideally, one can take discharge after overcoming the impact of anesthesia. But, in certain cases, patients have to stay 24 to 48 hours in the hospital. During the initial stage after Cystolitholapaxy patients may feel discomfort or pain while passing the urine. This may last for two to three days. Additionally, a small amount of blood may come out of the urine. These experiences are not worrisome and go by following doctor’s advice and pain-relieving medication.
But, in conditions as mentioned below, it is essential to consult the situation with the doctor immediately
High Fever
Unbearable pain while passing urine
Bleeding is heavily
Unable to pass the urine
Post Recovery Revisit to the Urologist
After the successful recovery phase of 7 to 14 days revisit to the urologist is advisable. The doctor will re-examine the treated area which may include X-Ray or CT-Scan. This test details about stone removal. The success of Cystolitholapaxy depends upon various factors like the patient's dedication towards the treatment and efforts to get rid of bladder stones. This may include:
Water intake to flush out
Strenuous activities like gym and exercising
Weight lifting
Liquid and fiber-rich diet
Consumption of alcohol, smoke, and nicotine
One with positive expectations and lifestyle change can experience quick and positive results after bladder stone removal surgery.
Cost of Cystolitholapaxy
When considering bladder stone surgery, cost is one of the major and unavoidable factors that depends upon factors like an individual's overall health, doctor’s expertise, and clinic location. In such a scenario, the cost of bladder stone treatment in Delhi at Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice starts at INR 25000.
Bladder stone is a painful experience but this medical condition can be painlessly addressed by Cystolitholapaxy. It is a minimally invasive treatment performed by a urologist under the administration of anesthesia. After the treatment, one can quickly be discharged and resume work after following prescribed instructions on recovery.
To learn more about the treatment you may visit Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice and consult the technique in detail with Dr. Niren Rao. He is a renowned urology doctor in Delhi who holds extensive years of experience in treating urological disorders like kidney, bladder, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and many more.
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